More Ideas!?

Apparently the script used (code) has added "text" sound. The original idea never quite came to plan. Due to the codes causing crashes. But now the text sound basically doesn't allow voice-over. Meaning there is no need for voice-over. But that is what I want... can they be combined? That is the real question. I'll have to wait and see what idea will come to light. It's still summer and I'm just bored to death. I want winter to return, I miss the cold weather as it makes people go inside. Summer brings too much trouble. People standing in corners, or up in your grill. You just can't get away from them. The only thing I like about summer is the sun and wind and not having to use a heater. Every time you make something, ensure that you have something that says "Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental" it basically will stop anyone claiming any BULL. For example you could have an idea similar to someone else or reference something and you just never know who is playing your game and who is getting offended by what is said. And these people don't play nice they just come at you with guns a blazing so you gotta make sure you have that in writing just in case they happen to loom.

Maybe partial VO? I'll have to wait and see. Partial always works because it's small. You have to actually... cut and paste the audio so it does come to mind when creating. You see I hate casting calls because you get people you can't depend on. I'd rather someone who takes pride, someone who I've worked with before. So I'll do some asking around and see what will happen.  So what does one gain from creating? Nothing much you just get to get your story out there.

I decided to work on the "tile" aka the background of scene 1. It's based on the original Torn Between but it isn't if you get the gist. Instead Gigi and Lemon are learning a script for their film. The script is based on their original appearance in Torn Between from 2013.  Lemon is being a major moron jumping off and on the seat like a child who has just taken their Vit C. She's more or less hyper as hell. The only problem with the code and script used is that Lemon will either finish up close to Gigi one square apart from her depending on when the button is pressed. It's not that bad but is the main downfall of using Enterbrain's engine to create a game. Now when people make games they just use the "same old" sprites and just add let's say "alternative sprites" you know drawings. It's boring to not change the actual in-game sprites. Me? I'd rather make my own from scratch.

And so there you have it, Gigi and Lemon in a private bar drinking and learning their script. And from there on the story will begin. The story in general is mixed. It's show business, personal issues. Character development. And with this brand new script that plays text sound there is really no need for VO for various parts in the story. But without someone doing the role to me it's like the characters don't have a voice. Me? I don't have the recording software. I don't specialize in VO. I've never recorded audio in my life. I've used a house phone that's about it. I know how to splice audio and mix it but that is about it. Just because my characters are loosely based on me doesn't mean I could play them. I'm not American, I don't have that sound. I don't have the acting ability. And I'm not and will never be in that line of work. I'd rather someone with that "ability" to play the characters. There's only one person that comes to line when I think of Gigi and Lemon and I'm going to see if I can ask that recording artist if they are interested. It takes a lot to ask someone to do a role of a character. I'm going to go around after finishing the other character roles and see if I can get some "ad-lib" people to fill in the roles... err... for free. I'm going to try and focus the main story on only the main characters now. So my original idea for "other" characters being present is now scrapped. They are just background - which is why the bar staff guy in the first scene does not speak because he is not a main character. I still have to make background characters. Because who will fill in the scene for the "show" that will take place in the story.

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