More Complex Sprites?

Complex sprites take more time to make and are not as simple as regular sprites. With the complex sprites you more or less draw the image first then transform it into a sprite - or try to at least. Here's a sprite of Mint that came out really good. I was thinking of changing his name from Mint to Minto which is pretty much the same thing but it's more of how the English word in general would be said in Japanese. And the character is supposed to be Japanese. I like to reference as many Japanese things as possible. Because that is what I want to see in the "Japanese" characters. Japanese characters that give off a err... western vibe but characters who stay true to their culture. Funny story all I ever hear on American TV is "I'm launching a lawsuit because I want money!" and I'm there thinking OMG!!! Get over yourself you greedy pig. You'll end up turning into a piggy bank with all the $$$ your trying to get your greasy hands on! - that was a good line, I'm a total bitch - LoVe iT!!!

In all honesty I don't like the outcome of the sprite. So I'll stick to what I know best. I try and try to imitate the anime style but it never comes to plan for me. I cheaply colored the sprite then added a few layer edits like the classic newsprint then I went into Photoshop and added another layer of color to darken the image as it was super light. It just goes to show that messing around with images (sprites) you name it can have many different outcomes. Now Mint as a character actually looks like Mint but a little older? I guess... just a little. He's supposed to be younger but then again I have seen a few anime male characters who give off this style. After thinking it through this more complicated form of drawing takes too much time and it's just too complicated. I can do it, but it really kills me and if I were to add more facial expressions they may not turn out the same. Depending on what way I were to go about things. So I will just stick to what I know best.  Hmm... I kinda forgot all about the mark near the character's eye. It just goes to show that you can forget stuff. I was too busy thinking about making the head, eyes and hair that I totally forgot about one main aspect of the character design. Other than that I spoke to someone "Japanese" who releases games using the same engine and they said they just use the original Mp3 tracks as featured in the engine when releasing a game. It's like why bother kill yourself searching for free music? Or getting someone to do the music for you when there is already "free" music featured in the software. 

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