Lemon Li (Alternative Palette)

Here's an alternative color palette of Lemon Li's character render for her profile image for Torn Between (2017). Now her affinity is a Lemon but I think it makes her look silly when her Chinese inspired outfit is 100% Lemon (the fruit), talk about sour right? But yeah, that being said I think I'll use the great Capcom's Chun-Li again as reference. She as a character doesn't own the style. So anyone can have a similar style.  Now they have some really pretty Chinese dresses. But I can't really see Lemon in a red, pink or green dress. I think the outcome with be blue. You can't beat blue with the golden outline. The characters in Torn Between change their costumes several times in the story/game. I know what I want to do and know where I want to go with the creation. Lemon as a character is Asian, and is Chinese. As a character she started out a little bland but has been edited a great deal. She stands for the LGBT rights, but lacks in how she comes across. The LGBT area comes from me. I have experienced someone's hate full-force for the LGBT so I thought I need to share an experience. This person I know always throws a "BIBLE" at people and I'm like **** off, damn asshat. I literally cannot speak to that person anymore. Meaning, not treating people who are part of the LGBT like human beings because of what God says in his bible. And there will always be Christians so just know if you are LGBT you will never be accepted. Not everyone is homophobic. But this "PERSON" I spoke to was "TWO-FACED" to people who are part of the LGBT. They were nice to people who are part of the LGBT to their faces, but behind their backs they "HATED" them with a passion. And I didn't agree with that person who was a massive whore if I might add. And she had the nerve to stick her nose up with what she believed in but trying to force what she believed on other people. And I didn't agree with the idiot, so she can go literally screw herself. There are also those who are secretly gay and that is also slighly referenced in the story. And how and why they don't like coming out is mentioned. I also expose a few puppet masters in the story. I'm sorry but the world in which we live is ruled by the media, and I just have to let that be known. We are literally brainwashed by media. They just want out money, and we always give in to them. We as humans are so stupid!!! So anyway Lemon can offend, or be two-faced/one-sided with how she thinks. Meaning Lemon can offend people without knowing. She doesn't think before she speaks, she just says what is on her mind. Lemon is a character to show people that you should be careful what you say because you'll never know how people will respond to you. I just put what is currently going on in my mind in my stories. So it'll be warped but I want Gigi and Lemon to speak their minds. The stories they appear in are always warped, you'd be like what is going on? Well Gigi and Lemon are always trying to do their thang. They characters are not interested in being some kind of feminists. Lemon does think a little like a feminist, but she thinks more like a "MAN" than anything, then again she is a lesbian or bisexual as it'd be put. But isn't that what feminists do? They want to be like men right? Or better than men? It's stupid because you have some men joining the feminist movement forgetting that they are really not all that welcome. It's like trying to be another race, it's never going to work. If I put a red dot in the middle of my head and went to India would that make me Indian? No!!! I wouldn't wanna go to India, it's full of rats and garbage!!! It's a **** tip!!! The land of Diarrhea, thanks but no thanks. Speaking of garbage our whole area is starting to become a garbage dump due to people being lazy as hell, it's like nobody cares anymore about anything. Oh, and knife crime has gone WAY up. When it goes dark make sure you stay inside. You just never know what'll happen anymore. And about that garbage... Yeah, way to go! Bring on the Black Death... morons!!! (I'm being sarcastic) Like Lemon Li, you can act "BLACK" but you'll never be black and vice versa. Those people who try to act Asian make me laugh. Asians don't own cute, so you can be cute. But trying to be Asian because Anime inspires you? That has wannabe written all over it. You can never be Asian. You can try, but it's probably best to yourself. If you like actual Asian traditions, well that is more or less wanting to experience the "REAL" culture. I love eating Asian food, all types of Asian food. I love the history of Japan, I love Anime and Manga but I'd never go like too far. Btw not all Asians are the same, they are different. They like similar things but they sure as hell ain't the same. And Lemon trying to act black, is a reference to those Asians who act black. I guess nobody really got that, huh? Which is why Gigi (Ginger) once told Lemon to just be herself. But Cocoa (A Blasian/ sometimes African American) character inspires Lemon to be a little ghetto. Cocoa was the Hip Cool Space Chick but I removed her and kept Gigi and Lemon. That doesn't mean Cocoa is gone from my character line-up. Although Ann Lavish, a red headed Betty Boop like character - I killed her off. Ann is more or less a joke to baby talking scat singers of the past. She was inspired by Ann Little the real Betty Boop of the 30s and baby talk singer of the 20s. Ann was Gigi's rival, it was like a joke to say - why is this baby talk creep-a-zoid wanting fame so badly? We want a woman with a real voice! Not a baby Bronx talking idiot. Lemon speaks in a high pitched voice, but her voice if more Anime girl related. Gigi, can be a bitch but she also is very brainy. Sometimes Gigi can be the one who offends, and doesn't agree with something and other times it can be Lemon. You see these mascot characters have a little world of their own. The story will just warp and twist and change to my desire. If you are interested can you keep up with it? I have a story to tell and it will be told. I like surreal, crazy, messed up. I like bitchyness and like to add the total drama queen effect. Where the characters will be sassy to one another or diss one another or be total mean girls but won't go to far to the point of where the other character wants to commit suicide. Yes, bullying is wrong. But then again nowadays you can't say anything without offending anyone. Someone I know used Twitter to sass someone she knew at work, and she got banned. It was hilarious, Twitter claimed her actions were similar to someone not following the rules. She did send several tweets... so of course it would come back to her like a boomerang. All she had to do was confirm her phone number to unlock her account. Because she didn't say anything mean, she just told the person what she honestly thought about them. Why didn't the person just block her, I wouldn't know. Instead the person reported the tweets, and locked my gal pal's account, until she got it unlocked. See what I mean? No freedom of speech. Then again... people can be quite rude, so maybe it's for the best. I had someone be a bitch to me on social media, some random woman and I couldn't get rid of her until I blocked her ass. Like literally a random woman butt in on one of my conversations, and it turned out into an all out ******* war. To that woman - get a life you reject, you think you are hot **** but you ain't. People like that should just die or shouldn't be allowed on social media. You know, it makes you wanna sue asshats like that. But that is the American way. Some people don't watch their mouths, forgetting that if they say stuff that is vulgar it can lead to slander. How dumb can some people be? There are some really stupid people out there.

 If you were to ask what inspired Lemon as a character, this comic right here among many other things. I sure as hell was right about the bikini tops, right? Lemon wouldn't run to some random guy, if he were rich to become Bisexual. She decides if she want to be with girls or guys as it's her choice and money would never make her to go with someone. If you are Bisexual, you'll eventually choose whether you want a male or female relationship. You know "Bi" isn't forever. And just to add those who mess around with both end up with some kind of sexual disease sometimes. Because all the cases I have read up always end in tears. For the people who mess around with all these people, like sexually. In reality, this may sound rude but you are supposed to have only "1" sexual partner. If you are in a none sexual relationship and you are "Bi" and you don't have sex but just kill, well you'll be peachy. But people are far too sexual, so I can't really sugar coat what I am saying. I've heard people, and their sexual jargon just makes me sick. There's a time and place for that, and that is with you and your lover. Don't go telling me all your bull crap about what you do in the bedroom. I have people literally telling me how they make love and it makes me sick. Like telling me how they slept with all these people. Do I really wanna know? And that's why I said what I said above. It's something that has really been on my mind. About these people sleeping with like over 100 people, or random people. It's just like what the actual **** is going on? Find one person, and one person only. If that relationship doesn't work out move on. Lemon is known to date multiple women, but I toned her down. Then again, Lemon doesn't have sex. She's a virgin and so is Gigi. Their sexual/18+ content is always tame. Lemon in a joke-like way has groped people but never to the point where she has actual sex. You can put in a sex pun or joke without having to show full blown sex. It's like in The Vintage Girl where Lemon fondles her breast. That was a joke, to show her lesbianism and her crazy obsessive nature. I recently experienced someone and their obsession most recently and it really put me off. They did it literally in my face, even when they were told to tone it down they didn't listen. So I decided to tone Lemon down. I don't want her to be that crazy, I hate people like that. First I loved happy-go-lucky people but some take it to the next level. And I can't deal or keep up with those type 'o people. I get really annoyed, too. To the point of where I just want to be alone at times. And let me tell you, I never get any chances to be alone anymore. There is always someone there, I just cannot escape them.

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