How To Add A Video To Your Game Perfectly!

Here is a quick tutorial to get your video into your game engine. That game engine being RPG Maker. I got that outcome I wanted to I will share the "simple" tutorial. Like said I'm keeping attention to detail this time. First of all download AVC video downloader and put your video in the application and press the OGG Movie option which is (*.ogv) now I don't know if this application is 100% free. I read about it on Wiki and it said it was not that bad of a product.

If you are using Enterbrain's RPG MAKER game engine to create a game be sure to have the output video size at 544x416 so that it will fit.

 The output video file will be an OGG file but not literally an OGG but a OGV which is pretty much... similar. It's only 1.77MB. Remember think about the actual size because it will affect the outcome of the whole game size. Some people don't think. And then it's like GOD that game file is like GB size. Anyway the file is typical theora... but nevertheless a file that the engine can read.

 If the engine cannot read a file it will "CRASH" simple as. Funny story... I've had a problem with the engine where it is forgetting various image files and I'm like what the hell? I had one "animated" object that the engine claimed was not inside a folder... but that is another story. See what happens when you put your heart and soul into creating something?

 And ta-da!!!! The opening sequence is now inside the game. It's been updated since and now has new effects added, including background audio. Every song I use is now royalty free. I was advised to try royalty free music. I never contacted anyone, I just followed links given and read the contract agreement and it says as long as the creator is credited in the credits, everything is fine and you can use it. But I'm only going to credit them in the ending credits sequence like everything else I have used. Either stuff I brought, the licence will only be shown in the credits. This time I just looked up royalty free stuff, because last time I was having everything original and it made no difference to the outcome of the story. So why waste??? When I can do stuff on the side for nothing. Because my game is non-commercial, so why bother?

 Speaking of the game, let's say story in general it's all coming to plan. I was linked to a Japanese website which had "emotion bubbles" that look ten times better than the emotion bubbles featured in the game engine and it made me very happy. They reminds me of dun dun dun... HARVEST MOON the game I adore. Well used to adore... nowadays it's all Stardew Valley this and Stardew Valley that. Hey, at least I made my sprites from scratch instead of ripping off Harvest Moon. Natsume never did sue them you know. Anyway in the first scene Gigi and Lemon are learning their script. It's not in color it's just I have yet to complete the scene so it will just continue to replay. And yes... Lemon will either land "left" or "right" depending on when the spacebar is clicked. So she will land... anywhere and I cannot stop that. No code, movement could change that. The game is coming along really well. If I took more time putting the script into the game than just wasting time, I'd have been done ages ago. But I am very busy. I'm doing the game for me, not anyone else. It's what "I" want.  Okay I need to throw in a "Lela Lee" joke and claw a few other stars, meaning reference a whole lot of people - jokingly, not serious. P.S if you've annoyed me you might just be referenced in the story - maybe not. But other than that I want to make a point. I'm going to put in my human rights - side story. I'm going to have "some" of the main characters "clash" over a few things to make a point. Because I noticed "some" people are not treated like human beings. I had a fight with a "butt-wipe" not too long ago. And it was over how people treat the LGBTQ. Now me and this asshat of a person have not spoken since then because we don't see eye to eye. I may never be able to patch things up with this person. Throwing a "BIBLE" in my face, ain't gonna change how I feel. It more or less just makes me angry that you have to use the religion tactic to try and make your point. So according to this "person" people can be killed, treated like **** and are not human. I don't really wanna push this on people. But think about it, if you as a "person" like to be treated with respect why shouldn't you treat others the same? If that person isn't very nice, then I agree **** all over them but if they haven't done anything to you... why? So a bit of the story will reference what I have seen with my own two "eyes" and also call out a few people who are hiding in what I think of as a closet. I'm just gonna say stuff like they are. Be yourself, don't pretend to be something you are not because it kills you inside. Then again for your own safety I would suggest you wait depending on your situation. This world is a hard place to live in.

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