Game OP

While working on my project I had to quickly make an opening sequence. It's been years so I should now be a "pro" with Flash or at least know my way around to get what I want in an opening. Nobody is going to do it for me, I have to do everything myself. And that also goes for the animated "song" sequence. Which will kill me, literally.

And this is basically the outcome. It only took a few seconds to create because I knew what I wanted to do. Now all I need to do is find the right song to use an opening. This time I won't kill myself, I'll just use free music or I could leave it silent. I'll have to wait and see. I want to make one "final" game with no "typos" what so ever. Every last game I released had one or two typos and it really annoyed me. Well not Storytime but PS did until I fixed it... well as much as I possibly could. But some of the others had typos here and there. I type way to fast and sometimes when a script is "too big" I end up forgetting where I am.

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