Story Idea!?

After scrapping the old story script (for my game/story idea) I started working on a new one and the new project is now entitled TB. I learned a few tricks of the trade from some French dude. Being able to see the sprites closer is ten times better. I just need something more. Originally I thought maybe it should just be in black and white? But no there will be color, the black and white is just more or less a joke. You'd have to have seen the original TB to understand where I'm coming from - just to note it's not the same story and only takes an element from the original TB. The annoying part is making the character sprites. I managed to sprite a bar tender, half of Gigi's mother and a few other small extra sprites for the story. It's really killing me to get where I want to get with my idea. Nor forgetting that I have another idea which I'm trying to bring to life at the same time which should have been simple but instead it turned upside down. I keep telling myself it's a waste of time but then I get times where I have nothing to do and think maybe just maybe I'll get working on that story. While writing the story I stick to what I know best which is my own sense of humor. The story is your typical girly, girl story - not too prissy mind you but yeah that's what I do best. I keep the sarcasm, adult references and bitchyness. Not to mention the clawing, yes don't forget the clawing. Ya just gotta claw sometimes when writing scripts. Meaning lash out at people. I really went in the kill for one person and I sure as hell was on my mark. Not to be mean but I think I really want to let it be known. The person in question thinks he is so great when in reality he ain't. He like I said in the story is a major puppet master. When I read that article about him it shocked me to death... then again he's not the only one but this person is great at fooling the public, like most people. Which is why I really hate media. If I had my own way I wouldn't watch TV - period but I'm forced to watch it. Forced to pay for it! So of course I have to watch it. Other than that I wanted to do something different but that being said keeping what I'm used to. As said before I had ideas for mini stories but they never really came to plan, hopefully this time it will.

 I managed to sprite a base for an animated scene (as I want a musical part in the story) and it came out quite nice. I didn't use any template I just used basic instinct and made the body. I'd have to sprite an animated mouth and animating the "eyes" will be easy as pie.  Getting the body to move may be harder than I thought. The moving will be simple - show girl style. Like swishing or swaying left and right.  The song is more or less a parody of a song that caught my eye. I just worked with the words myself and got a result. The scene is vital to the story. I've never did a parody of any song before. You see all these people making parodies of songs and then you think... why can't I? The original song is the "female" equivalent of a well known song. Well known as in used to be well known in the 1920s or 1930s - I can't seem to remember.


"Oh my dear!"
"Everything's so Queer (Odd)"

"My mind is going ding-a-ling"
"Hear "moi" sing-a-ling!"

I want the animated scene to be similar to the dancers in that 90s South Park N64 game Chef's Luv Shack. You know typical dancing girls.

 I think I'll be lazy with the background dancers. They'll all be duplicates of one another. I mean why kill thy-self? Over animating pixels. They'll just sway side to side haha!!!! It's killing me to get pixels to move as it is. I can do it but it's an awful lot of hard work. When I start something I always end up wanting to quit half way through then I end up taking shortcuts and scrapping ideas and then the finished story doesn't turn out how I planned. It's like BSTB an actress recorded for "Minto" but her audio recording was a little blurry but it didn't bother me. Because all I could think of was that she was a really great actress. Also all my typos... why can't I ever see them in advance? I must me... dun dun dun... BLIND!!! In the end you can think as long as the person can read... or can't... but then you take a quick look and think... no that was totally retarded.

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